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business man selling headspace to raise money for charity



4 awesome repairs with SMG
Thi is a novel way to raise money for charity.

A Texas entrepreneur is turning his bald head into a business by selling scalp space for advertisements.

Brandon Chicotsky, 27, says he €™s been flooded with inquiries since launching Bald Logo last month. businesses pay him to hit the streets with their logo or brand name temporarily tattooed on his or a coworker €™s head.

Chicotsky is one of three €œbald angelicals, € the men who wear the ads. When they €™re working, they €™re accompanied by two female actresses carrying signs or waving flags to promote the business, and a third actor in a full-body spandex suit.

€œThey €™ll flank the baldie to get as much attention as possible, € Chicotsky said.

Sometimes camera crews will follow, just to create a scene.

€œWhen there are cameras, people tend to inquire, €˜What is this about, what €™s on your head? €™ € Chicotsky said.

His clients include a handful of local Austin businesses.

For each one, his crew makes a custom temporary tattoo.

€œWe perfect them so they can withstand any weather, € he said.

Chicotsky plans to expand to other cities and bring on more €œbald angelicals. €

Part of Bald Logo €™s profits benefit children with alopecia areata, a disease that causes hair loss.

Chicotsky, who lost his hair naturally, became interested in the condition after learning about it as a grad student at NYU.


Valuable Member
Wow, good for him. The logos should get some attention!


Maybe I should join them! Then I could raise money for my HT )(_::