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2000 Non-shaven FUE with Dr. Hyun in Korea



Hey everyone,

I wanted to share my hair restoration experience with Dr. Hyun in Korea. I'm 36 years old and from Hong Kong. Discovering my receding hairline was a pivotal moment for me in deciding to undergo a hair transplant surgery.

I opted for the Non-shaven FUE method, with a total of 2000 hairs transplanted.

I had online consultations with several well-known clinics in Korea, but after comparing factors like price, patient reviews, and post-op services, Woomchan Clinic felt the most trustworthy to me. They didn't exaggerate the post-operative results and were honest about what might happen if I stopped medication after surgery. So, I chose to go with Woomchan clinic in Korea and had my Non-shaven FUE hair transplant surgery performed by Dr. Hyun. I chose this method because it doesn't require shaving the hair or taking a strip of scalp from the back, which reduces inconvenience. It's a bit more expensive than other methods, but I really didn't want a bald spot at the back after surgery.

It's been 9 months since the surgery, and here are the before and 9-month post-op pics. I'll share the results after a year


(9 months after surgery)


Staff member
Your hair looks good at 9 mOnths. Do you have any pictures from the surgery you can share?