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Valued member
Having now had my hair transplant I wanted to share my experience to try and repay to the hair forum the knowledge and advice I have gained from it in the hope that this will help someone that is trying to make sense of it all. It is not straightforward that’s for sure and there is an awful lot to it which requires a great deal of research – and I and many others would have been lost if not for the forum and I would like to offer my immense thanks to Big Mac for running this forum and for everyone that contributes; there are some of you that although you’ve had your transplants are kind enough to continue to comment on here and offer people advice which is greatly appreciated.

My journey has been quite a long one having been losing my hair since my mid-20’s for over 30 years, and although I did try Minoxidil and Propecia (Finasteride) approx. 25 years ago I suffered sides so stopped taking them. I ended up being a Norwood 5 and decided a year ago I would take the plunge as using Regaine for about the previous 2 years seemed to help retain but not regain.

If you don’t want to make any costly mistakes you really need to look into it thoroughly, and fortunately I found the forum before committing to the wrong thing or clinic as the fundamentals of a hair transplant and what can be done are based on your available donor hair this is something that you cannot waste and have to maximise its use.

I decided on FUT as the amount needed to cover my Norwood 5 wouldn’t be achieved by FUE and also I wanted to have some donor in the bank should I need another transplant in the future – which FUE would not have enabled.

So, then it’s a question of which clinic to entertain – unfortunately as the industry is unregulated you have to be very careful about who you select - the information you receive can be very confusing and conflicting! The forum is a great place for recommendations and substantiating good clinics / surgeons, particularly those members that are experienced in hair transplants.

I selected Hattingen clinic after much research and based on their online videos of patients results and how dense the coverage was and natural looking, scars being barely noticeable, and that it seemed that patients with similar hair loss to mine were able to cover all their thinning areas from front to crown…. The only clinic to answer all of my questions and provide me with information in the way I had requested was Hattingen Hair Clinic, who also said I could have the coverage I required with 4500-5000 grafts in one transplant (which very few clinics do). Dr Muresanu afforded me as much time as I wanted in our contacts – and was very easy to deal with. They don’t employ sales reps and you speak directly with the surgeon, and I immediately liked the openness and integrity – and always being available for my many questions over a period of 7-8 months. As Hattingen are one of the few clinics to do both FUE and FUT I felt that their advice was balanced and given with my best interests at heart and not skewed by a financial bias which I felt some of the others might have been.
Another big plus point with Hattingen which instilled a greater confidence is that you get two specialist hair doctors working together on each patient.

Hattingen delivered in their assessment of between 4500-5000 grafts at the upper end at 4899. Another plus is that they advised that my hair to graft ratio count was very good at 2.56 (average normally 2.15), whereas the majority of the other clinics consulted said I had less than average!....and some saying I couldn’t possibly get enough grafts to cover my Norwood 5 (which very nearly made me not go ahead with a transplant!!). Hattingen were the only clinic to accurately advise me on this (follicles per sq cm, follicular grouping, quantity of grafts etc.), some of the other clinics disappointingly being well out or didn’t provide this info despite requests to do so – don’t be fobbed off by this as this is key to your transplant!

As I wanted density in coverage as opposed to a larger but sparser area you may see I went for an age appropriate hairline being more conservative to enable the crown and mid-scalp to be better covered. Of the 4899 grafts they placed 2700 in the frontal third, 1100 mid scalp and 1100 in the crown.

It is obvious that everyone at Hattingen clinic really cares and this came through over the two days of my transplant; they split the larger FUT’s over two days so that you don’t have to suffer one really long day and of course this should help with graft survival being out of the head for less long. The day starts at 7am and mine finished both days around 3:30 to 4pm. You are provided with a choice of three cooked meals for lunch.

I must mention the aftercare as its beyond anything I’m aware is provided by other clinics – I stayed on for a period after the transplant and was invited back each day I remained there for a hair wash and examination of progress. Both Dr’s came and reviewed it and determined what was required each day – such as when the scabbing should be removed and the dead skin too + reviewing the scar and its progress. Dr Muresanu has kept in touch since and offers video calls for any concerns if required.

I have attached my pre and post transplant photos for you to see – and as its now been 2½ months since my transplant I will upload some more up to date photos very shortly.

Obviously its all about hair and scar results and I will keep you appraised with more pics / videos throughout the process. Wish me luck!, and I would be interested to hear any comments.



Valued member
Wow it looks amazing. Am getting excited for you knowing how good Hattingen results turn out.


Staff member
Hey Cooty, it`s great to see you post your story here and to know the forum really helped you with your research. The members on here are genuine and we all want the best surgical experience for everyone.
Hearing you say Dr Sever went into great detail during your consultation and aftercare support is fantastic. I’ve known Sever and Laura personally for over a decade, they have always been patient focused, wanting the best, putting the patient first.
Your surgery confirms everything runs like a well oiled engine. You have 2 excellent doctors working as a team.
The placement and hairline design looks very good. Graft distribution has been planned well. The number of grafts should produce a great result for you. You still had some mid section hair, hopefully, the minoxidil holds this and makes improvements.
I see you had a staple closure, they can be a little uncomfortable post-op and my experience I was happy to have them removed which allowed for easier sleeping.
I`ll look forward to your update with you being 2.5 months post-op.
Also, what lunch did you choose?
A big thanks to you Cooty for taking the time to write a nice detailed post about your journey so far.
All the best.


Valued member
Thank you Kevboy & Bigmac for your comments and support.... this really is a daunting process and of course now I've hit the 2.5 months and have suffered the dreaded shedding you start to worry if the new hairs will all grow and how well (or badly)!!:eek:
I can only agree with your views on Dr’s Sever & Laura Muresanu - plus they seem genuinely lovely people.

Its most comforting that you consider the placement and hairline is very good - its so difficult as the hair greed makes you want more and they did offer me a lower hairline but as I would rather have a denseness all over I didn’t want to sacrifice this by using up valuable grafts to come down lower at the front which might’ve resulted in a thinner mid-scalp or crown, so I decided that this hairline should be ok for a person of my age........ naturally I am now worrying if it will, but of course this won't be known for 6-12 months.

This is the worst part of a transplant - the waiting, not knowing....!! which for me far surpasses the temporary discomfort experienced, although I have to say that whilst the staples could be uncomfortable for sleeping it wasn't too bad, and apart from the very odd occasion in the surgery the whole procedure was all rather tolerable - I don't know if this is my high personal pain threshold or how Hattingen conduct their work, but I suspect the latter.

I recommenced with Regaine about 7 weeks after the transplant so hopefully that will help retain the existing hairs - its the liquid solution as the foam isn't recommended for the more mature folk. I'm still using the clinic's shampoo applying it with the same firm pressure as I did prior to the transplant; you begin to question if this is ok as after going really softly for the initial first week or so of the grafts embedding in you never know what pressure to apply?

Lunch was very nice each day, and I opted for the pasta dishes being a linguine and I think a lasagna with some fruit for desert.

I am posting some more photos now of 14 days post transplant - members may be interested in seeing my scar after the staples were removed as I had a buzz cut all over and so the scar is unusually clearly visible all the way round. The scab on the front of my head is where my suitcase lid fell on it when packing! - which as it was 14 days after the transplant I'm hoping isn't going to affect the grafts. You'll also be able to see the shock loss around the scar which I'm told should recuperate over 2-4 months (fingers crossed).

14 days post photo 1.JPG
14 days post photo 2.JPG
14 days post photo 3.JPG
14 days post photo 4.JPG
14 days post photo 5.JPG
14 days post photo 6.JPG
14 days post photo 7.JPG
14 days post photo 8.JPG
16 days Post Rash#2.JPG


Staff member
It is somewhat tough going through the ugly duckling stage. At 2.5 months you shouldn’t be too far away from seeing growth, try not to worry about it.
Your scar looks really good at 2 weeks. Hopefully, it has stayed this thin.I doubt you`ll be able to see it with a little length to your hair An d full shock loss recovery.
Don’t worry about the pressure you apply when shampooing, it won’t have any effect on your grafts.
I`d not heard of the foam not being recommended for older guys. Was it Hattingen who advised this?
Looking forward to the next update.
Blixa Haar...fell

Blixa Haar...fell

Thank you so much for your detailed writeup...I'm currently pursuing a large FUT with Hattingen, and dr Sever Muresanu is exactly as you describe him - ever ready to answer questions and engage. I really feel like I'm in good hands.

My loss pattern is very similar to yours, so I will be watching this thread closely, posting encouragement where I can :)


Valued member
Thanks Bigmac for your response & Blixa; I'm so glad my post was of help to someone as I did a LOT of research on who the best clinic was - as well as looking into them all I consulted 5 or 6 clinics which cost me a few bob but it was worth it as it confirmed to me that Hattingen came out on top.

Bigmac - your replies to posts are always appreciated and I'm glad that the pressure applied to the scalp isn't an issue and pleased to hear your opinion on the scar & shock loss. The recommendation regarding Regaine was theirs that I read on their literature when investigating foam.
With regards to the scar staying this thin, I've attached some more photos which are at 6 weeks post transplant so you can still clearly see the scar and am keen to hear if you think its still as thin? You'll see the shock loss is still quite apparent.

Blixa - Have you booked your transplant yet? If you don't me saying I can't stress enough how important it is to do scalp laxity / stretching exercises, I honestly believe this is why we got as many grafts as we did (if you'd like I can provide details on this)..... if you want best hair coverage be sure to do them every day and start as soon as you can. I can also recommend local digs if you want - I found a great place at very good price which is within walking distance or short bus ride, so let me know if you want the details.

6 weeks post #1.JPG
6 weeks post #2.JPG
6 weeks post #3.JPG
6 weeks post 2719.JPG
Blixa Haar...fell

Blixa Haar...fell

Up until this moment I've never heard of laxity / stretching exercises! I'm a week away from my third zoom call w/ dr Muresanu, and hope to have my surgery next summer - so there is still time.

What can you tell me about them?


Staff member
The scar looks good. I’ve had quite a few of them myself. It takes time for area to fully heal, the redness to subside and then the hair to start growing through the scar tissue. Always looks worse when there’s some shock loss but it should recover with no issues.
Definitely no issue with the pressure.
I’m glad your research paid off.


Valued member
Thank you kindly Bigmac for your views on my scar..... with your knowledge and experience its really comforting to hear. I'll post some more up to date photos shortly so you can see how its fairing now.

Blixa - Yes there are so many things regarding hair transplants that aren't apparent and the clinics don’t tell you that I found out in my research and through the forum - scalp laxity exercises loosen your scalp enabling a bigger strip to be taken and therefore more grafts = you get more hair for your transplant! In your consultations when Dr Muresanu asks to see you move your scalp up to the crown he’s looking for its laxity to see if he can take a strip and if so how big.

My scalp was tight and by doing the exercises I really loosened it up and they managed to take a 2cm strip, whereas its normally about 1-1.2cm and perhaps less if the scalp has no laxity (looseness).
Fortunately you do have plenty of time - I started 5 months before surgery and would recommend starting now or no later than 6 months before. I did it three times a day for 10 minutes each time (5 mins sides and 5 mins rear) and really put pressure into the stretch – remember its all about stretching the scalp as much as you can. Here’s a guide showing to how to do it –
. You might already have good natural laxity so you might not need to do it as much but the exercises can still be of benefit.
I’m sure you’ve established how much coverage you’re going for and how many grafts are required for it which these exercises will assist with - and hopefully enable denser or larger coverage… naturally Dr Muresanu can advise on this.

It also helps with the scar as a looser scalp will mean that the scar is under less pressure which hopefully prevents it stretching – this is what Bigmac was referring to regarding the stress on the scar and it remaining thin.

Here's some more 6 weeks pics - these are of of my transplanted area so you can see what to expect at this stage.

6 weeks post 2753.JPG
6 weeks post 2755.JPG
6 weeks post 2762.JPG
6 weeks post 2766.JPG
6 weeks post 2768.JPG
6 weeks post 2776.JPG


Staff member
Hi Cooty. I’m always happy to share my knowledge and offer support.
Those scalp laxity exercises really do work.
These last set of pictures show you right in the middle of the ugly duckling stage. Grafts falling out, shock loss, redness etc bug it’s all worth it once your new hair begins growing.
Thanks for the additional pictures.
Blixa Haar...fell

Blixa Haar...fell

Thank you kindly Bigmac for your views on my scar..... with your knowledge and experience its really comforting to hear. I'll post some more up to date photos shortly so you can see how its fairing now.

Blixa - Yes there are so many things regarding hair transplants that aren't apparent and the clinics don’t tell you that I found out in my research and through the forum - scalp laxity exercises loosen your scalp enabling a bigger strip to be taken and therefore more grafts = you get more hair for your transplant! In your consultations when Dr Muresanu asks to see you move your scalp up to the crown he’s looking for its laxity to see if he can take a strip and if so how big.

My scalp was tight and by doing the exercises I really loosened it up and they managed to take a 2cm strip, whereas its normally about 1-1.2cm and perhaps less if the scalp has no laxity (looseness).
Fortunately you do have plenty of time - I started 5 months before surgery and would recommend starting now or no later than 6 months before. I did it three times a day for 10 minutes each time (5 mins sides and 5 mins rear) and really put pressure into the stretch – remember its all about stretching the scalp as much as you can. Here’s a guide showing to how to do it –
. You might already have good natural laxity so you might not need to do it as much but the exercises can still be of benefit.
I’m sure you’ve established how much coverage you’re going for and how many grafts are required for it which these exercises will assist with - and hopefully enable denser or larger coverage… naturally Dr Muresanu can advise on this.

It also helps with the scar as a looser scalp will mean that the scar is under less pressure which hopefully prevents it stretching – this is what Bigmac was referring to regarding the stress on the scar and it remaining thin.

Here's some more 6 weeks pics - these are of of my transplanted area so you can see what

Cooty - I want to thank you for the video tutorial and your suggestions thus far. I've been able to incorporate the scalp stretching exercises into my morning routine just after breakfast for about 20-30 mins for the last few days.

My next scheduled call will be this coming week. We have had two previous calls, but hadn't talked yet about FUT. For some reason I feel nervous and scattered - in your experience, were there specific questions you asked about the procedure that really made you feel properly informed afterwards? Any word on recovery time before returning to work, or exercise?


Valued member
My pleasure Blixa - anything I can do to help. With regards to questions about FUT, as I've covered in my post I decided FUT was best by far for me as it offered the best results / coverage and also enabled further transplants if required which FUE wouldn't do - providing of course the scar wouldn't be noticeable, which is one of the key criteria for choosing Hattingen as their scars looked so good / thin. Usually with FUT expect hair to be grade 3 or 4 (or longer dependent on how prominent the scar is) and by using Hattingen I'm hoping I may get away with wearing my hair grade 3 or shorter and the scar may not be detectable (fingers crossed).

My experience with both Dr Muresanu's is that you can trust what they say - this was a most important issue for me as I found this wasn't the case with all clinics!, also I think because they're one of the few clinics that do both FUE and FUT they don't have a vested interest in promoting one over the other and can give you advice based on what is best for you.
I haven't listed all questions to ask as I covered them myself and established they operated best practice, but obviously you need to ask about your scalp laxity and how many grafts they can harvest?, how many grafts per square cm do you have at rear? / at sides?, how many 2 hair / 3 hair / 4 hair multigrafts at rear? / at sides? - and from all this what area can be covered and how densely? In fairness, your FU cm2 (grafts per sq cm) and follicular grouping is unlikely to be able to be identified just on a Skype call so you may need to buy a USB microscope for this which Dr Muresanu will advise on (you can get some for only about £20-30 and I can tell you which one I bought).

With the scalp stretching exercises I broke my daily 30 mins into 3 separate sessions as it makes your arms ache and also as your hands get warm you can lose grip thus relieving pressure on the stretch. Before starting wash hands with soap for better grip – and if you need more traction spray hairspray onto your hands which stops your hands slipping. Its best if you can hold the stretch, but I alternated by doing my middle day session with the constant jerk up and down movements, with the other 2 daily sessions holding the stretch for as long as I could – but really putting pressure into it. I hope this makes sense - and after establishing the info above first do ask Dr Muresanu his thoughts on your current scalp laxity and what you may achieve by doing the exercises (covering a larger area or better density).

Recovery time differs for each person - but you can return to work as soon as you're comfortable to do so (which could be the next day as I was WFH straightaway), however if you're going in to work you might want to take a week off as you need to spray saline solution onto your scalp every two hours for the first few days so you'll be tired during the day, and the scabbing on your scalp isn't a pretty look but again some people aren't as bad as others... although of course you can cover that with a hat / bandana. Bear in mind with an FUT the scar is covered by leaving your hair longer at the sides / rear so no-one should be able to see it. Apart from walking exercise is not recommended for 2 weeks and after then nothing strenuous (e.g. treadmill), and nothing that would pull on your neck / shoulders for 2 months (such as X-Trainer / rowing machine, weights etc.) and only lightly until 3 months when you're ok to resume as normal.... but check this all with Dr Muresanu.
Blixa Haar...fell

Blixa Haar...fell

Hi there cooty,

Apologies for my delayed response. I really want to express my gratitude for the generous, thorough detail you put into that last post. It's given me a much clearer picture of what lies ahead, and how I can better engage with Dr Sever Muresanu on our next call.

I've had some pretty bad experiences on other hair loss forums when I've asked for advice - which I understand - as there are a lot of very hurt people in our community. It's refreshing to encounter such helpfulness.


Valued member
My absolute pleasure Blixa - this forum is a life saver for people with hair related issues and I feel I owe it to help others like it helped me. When it comes to going back to work I would recommend taking at least a week off as I forgot to mention you can get swelling in the face, mine was quite bad and took a few days to clear. I'm glad my info is of help - and I'm going to post some more photos (at 11 weeks) as soon as I can get some time.


Valued member
So here's photos 11 weeks after transplant - tried to give all angles and also quite a few of the scar and shock loss so you can see progress.

11 weeks Above 2927.JPG
11 weeks post Above Crown 2929.JPG
11 weeks post Crown #6.JPG
11 weeks post Crown & shock loss 2934.JPG
11 weeks post Front 2911.JPG
11 weeks post Front 2925.JPG
11 weeks post Front 2926.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Exposed Left side  2940.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Exposed Rear  2947.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Exposed Rear 2946.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Exposed Right side   2941.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Exposed Right side   2949.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Exposed Right side  2950.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Exposed side  2948.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Left side 2931.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Left side 2933.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Rear 2932.JPG
11 weeks post Scar Right side  2938.JPG
Blixa Haar...fell

Blixa Haar...fell

Thanks for your progress photos!

You mentioned before in your first writeup that you have been maintaining with Minoxidil alone. Does that remain true now, and did Dr Muresanu think of it as a good enough regimen to have going forward after the procedure?


Valued member
Don't know if there really was much progress to be seen in the post 11 weeks photos:)unsure:?) - but will post some more right up to date when I can as there's been a couple of more weeks growth since I took them.
You are right I am using just Regaine - I believe it had helped retain hair in the couple of years I used it so if it continues to do that and I can keep the existing hair I had before the transplant that would be great..... it didn't create any new growth and I don't take Finasteride as it gave me side effects. As a result it wasn't anything that was discussed in depth with Dr Muresanu as I'd already made the decision - I found that the clinics varied greatly on their advice and some of them didn't enquire about hair treatment products but it is recommended to use both Minoxidil and Finasteride if you can as the more hair you can keep the less likely you'll need further transplants...... (if you're not taking Finasteride check its sides before contemplating taking it.... I believe they say you can take it at different quantities to try and allay any symptoms but check this out as it does retain and even regrow hair for some people).
With Regaine Dr Muresanu said to stop taking it 2 weeks ahead of the surgery and 4 weeks after - he'll ask what meds & products you're on and will advise on each individually.


Valued member
4 months after transplant up to date photos - comments welcome;

15 weeks post 2983.JPG
15 weeks post 2986.JPG
15 weeks post 2987.JPG
15 weeks post 2990.JPG
15 weeks post 2994.JPG
15 weeks post 2997.JPG


Staff member
Hi Cooty. It looks as though the shock loss around your FUT scar has nearly fully recovered. Your growth is looking very promising at 4 months. There’s quite a bit of new hair on your once bare frontal third. The hairline is shaping up nicely and already making a nice difference to your appearance.
How are you feeling with the progress so far?