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Crown FUE Hair Transplant - Farjo Hair Institute.

  • Thread starter Mick From Farjo
  • Start date

Mick From Farjo

Valued member
This is a patient in his 40s, with a thinner front and top and bald crown. He does not use or want to use hair meds. He knows the possible risks of future thinning with or without meds. For these reasons, Dr. Farjo used the minimum number of grafts to achieve a good illusion of density - coverage and preserve his donor if he decides he wants further surgery in the future. His aim was simply not to have such a shiny crown with a more even coverage of hair from front to back. His thought process was to look a bit better, especially if he caught a glance showing the back of his head. He happened to be in Manchester at the 6 month stage and called in for us to take a look. The last picture was submitted by the patient at 8 months. He will be visiting again in the New Year for his first follow up.

He had an average of 2.8 hairs per graft. 1650 grafts were transplanted.

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Staff member
For the grafts used this is turning out to be a very nice result for his crown. Planning for possible future loss is important. Using enough grafts to give him enough coverage to meet his expectations is good considering g he does not want to use meds.
Whilst his hairline would benefit from grafts placed there, he is happy with his frontal appearance. The hair he has left at the front is enough to provide an look that’s not bald. Maybe in the future he will add some grafts there.
I’ll look forward to seeing his updated pictures when he visits in the New Year.