Dr Devroye
Valued member
✓ 38 years old, NW V-VI, losing hair since the age of 18, with a hair loss history in his family (uncle and brother).
✓ Taking Finasteride 1mg since the first surgery.
✓ Thin caliber hair.
✓ Normal follicular units.
✓ High % of hair in telogen phase.
This 38-year-old gentleman started losing hair at the age of 18; when he was 25 years old, his hair loss was already advanced. At the age of 27 he decided to shave his head until March 2019, when he decided to move forward and proceed with a hair transplant procedure.
Taking into account the extended nature of his hair loss, I recommended him to focus on the anterior and midscalp areas (following a fairly conservative approach) during this forts procedure; Finasteride, which the patient started taking just after undergoing the surgery, would hopefully improve the crown situation. 3545 FUE grafts were eventually used to recreate his hairline and cover the frontal and mid sections of his scalp.
One year and two months later the patient was very happy about the results achieved and decided to further improve his hairline and frontal area. Since he responded well to Finasteride, and he wasn't too much bothered by his crown hair loss, we decided again not to touch this area at that stage.
During his second FUE procedure we harvested and implanted 1985 FUE grafts in order to further lower the hairline (approx. 1,5 cm) and reinforce the frontal area density.
Six months after the second procedure, the patient has sent in some pictures and expressed his huge satisfaction about the results achieved. Moreover, during the following six/nine months, his situation should further improve, especially regarding the hair density and texture. As usual we won't hesitate to update this thread with further photographic material as soon as it will be available.
1st Surgery - March 2019
✓ 3545 grafts
✓ Technique : FUE
✓ FUE scoring and extractions executed with my WAW system, now widely used in the sphere of FUE. It consists of a very precise pedal that enables to control the movement of the punch, that I also designed myself. The main advantage is to reduce substantially the number of damaged and transected hair, thus to raise the quality of the procedure. The system is now used worldwide and several dozens of surgeons or centres are already using it.
✓ Incisions : 40-45/cm2
✓ Grafts Breakdown :
☞ 495 Single FUE grafts
☞ 1649 Double FUE grafts
☞ 1326 Triple FUE grafts
☞ 75 Quadruple FUE grafts
✓ Total number of Hair : 8071
✓ Average Hair/Graft : 2.27
2nd Surgery - May 2020
✓ 1985 grafts
✓ Technique : FUE
✓ FUE scoring and extractions executed with my WAW system, now widely used in the sphere of FUE.
✓ Incisions : 40-45/cm2
✓ Grafts Breakdown :
☞ 476 Single FUE grafts
☞ 952 Double FUE grafts
☞ 545 Triple FUE grafts
☞ 12 Quadruple FUE grafts
✓ Total number of Hair : 4063
✓ Average Hair/Graft : 2.04
Dr. Jean Devroye
✓ 38 years old, NW V-VI, losing hair since the age of 18, with a hair loss history in his family (uncle and brother).
✓ Taking Finasteride 1mg since the first surgery.
✓ Thin caliber hair.
✓ Normal follicular units.
✓ High % of hair in telogen phase.
This 38-year-old gentleman started losing hair at the age of 18; when he was 25 years old, his hair loss was already advanced. At the age of 27 he decided to shave his head until March 2019, when he decided to move forward and proceed with a hair transplant procedure.
Taking into account the extended nature of his hair loss, I recommended him to focus on the anterior and midscalp areas (following a fairly conservative approach) during this forts procedure; Finasteride, which the patient started taking just after undergoing the surgery, would hopefully improve the crown situation. 3545 FUE grafts were eventually used to recreate his hairline and cover the frontal and mid sections of his scalp.
One year and two months later the patient was very happy about the results achieved and decided to further improve his hairline and frontal area. Since he responded well to Finasteride, and he wasn't too much bothered by his crown hair loss, we decided again not to touch this area at that stage.
During his second FUE procedure we harvested and implanted 1985 FUE grafts in order to further lower the hairline (approx. 1,5 cm) and reinforce the frontal area density.
Six months after the second procedure, the patient has sent in some pictures and expressed his huge satisfaction about the results achieved. Moreover, during the following six/nine months, his situation should further improve, especially regarding the hair density and texture. As usual we won't hesitate to update this thread with further photographic material as soon as it will be available.
1st Surgery - March 2019
✓ 3545 grafts
✓ Technique : FUE
✓ FUE scoring and extractions executed with my WAW system, now widely used in the sphere of FUE. It consists of a very precise pedal that enables to control the movement of the punch, that I also designed myself. The main advantage is to reduce substantially the number of damaged and transected hair, thus to raise the quality of the procedure. The system is now used worldwide and several dozens of surgeons or centres are already using it.
✓ Incisions : 40-45/cm2
✓ Grafts Breakdown :
☞ 495 Single FUE grafts
☞ 1649 Double FUE grafts
☞ 1326 Triple FUE grafts
☞ 75 Quadruple FUE grafts
✓ Total number of Hair : 8071
✓ Average Hair/Graft : 2.27
2nd Surgery - May 2020
✓ 1985 grafts
✓ Technique : FUE
✓ FUE scoring and extractions executed with my WAW system, now widely used in the sphere of FUE.
✓ Incisions : 40-45/cm2
✓ Grafts Breakdown :
☞ 476 Single FUE grafts
☞ 952 Double FUE grafts
☞ 545 Triple FUE grafts
☞ 12 Quadruple FUE grafts
✓ Total number of Hair : 4063
✓ Average Hair/Graft : 2.04
Dr. Jean Devroye