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Feeling discouraged (Month 7: 2800 grafts)



Thanks. I know. Its making me feel very stupid about myself. Went based on friends results who have great hair. So far ive tried contacting a few doctors such as dr. Keser who has turned me down. This just makes me more worried about how damaged my hair truely is.
If I were you, I would give a shot to Michalis in Cyprus.


If I were you, I would give a shot to Michalis in Cyprus.
Thanks, I have reached out, currently reviewing my case and will get back to me.
I have also been talking with Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong and Dr Ratchathorn Panchaprateep, who are willing to apply 800-1000 grafts to create a more natural look.
Also just food for thought, would you say my donor area is depleted for future hair restorations based on photos?


While your pictures are not very good and pics of you with a longer hair would be useful, I am sure from what I've seen that you have enough reserves for at least one surgery, doesn't look bad at all!


Dr Keser, as I read many times, does not tend to accept repair patients, so do not worry unnecessarily based on that.


Hang in there - you’ve got some months to go until final


Valuable Member
Thanks, I have reached out, currently reviewing my case and will get back to me.
I have also been talking with Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong and Dr Ratchathorn Panchaprateep, who are willing to apply 800-1000 grafts to create a more natural look.
Also just food for thought, would you say my donor area is depleted for future hair restorations based on photos?
It's difficult to tell by your donor pics due to slight blurriness to assess your current donor supply. You wear your hair very short at the back so you can see a good amount of the white dot scars from your first surgery. If you wore your hair a little longer, you should have another 3000 grafts for future surgeries. To me it was irresponsible for anyone to suggest 3-3500 grafts just for the hairline. Majority of your donor would be gone and there wouldn't be much donor supply left for any future hair loss.
Keep looking for a doctor you're comfortable with and they have an excellent reputation. Best of luck.


Regarding keithunited's result and his concern about the density, just to clarify, is this how transplanted hair should look when worn so short, or has something gone wrong? Thanks.


Valuable Member
Keep in mind that it's difficult to duplicate native density as the donor supply is limited. You can get close to density you had prior to losing any hairs but that's only if you have minor or moderate hair loss. In many instances, the hair style has to work with less density than there was originally. Once you have a ht, you can achieve a look of full hair of hair with particular hair length and style.


Keep in mind that it's difficult to duplicate native density as the donor supply is limited. You can get close to density you had prior to losing any hairs but that's only if you have minor or moderate hair loss
Thanks. I appreciate your reply.

I'm still a bit unclear. Would you say that Keith's surgery was successful (but perhaps his expectations were slightly unrealistic; hence his disappointment) or should he be seeing more density? I'm just trying to figure out what a successful hair transplant should look like when the hair is this short.


Valuable Member
Hi Salazar,
The fact that Keithunited is disappointed with his result and is actively looking for more density and more naturalness to his previous transplant indicates to me that his ht surgery was not a successful one. To be honest, I feel too many grafts were used for a small area of loss and his pics show somewhat of an unnatural hairline was created. Not all is lost for Keith, he needs to find a ht doctor who is able to refine previous work done.

The idea of a successful ht is somewhat subjective and expectations certainly need to be managed well ahead of booking surgery. Having said that, you can achieve a natural hairline and natural looking ht that no one expects work was done by going to the right clinic with hundreds/thousands of happy and satisfied patients.


The idea of a successful ht is somewhat subjective and expectations certainly need to be managed well ahead of booking surgery.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

If I may, one final point. I'm trying to manage my own expectations with regard to surgery. I've been told that FUE is suitable for short hairstyles. Given that the density of transplanted hair can never equal that of native hair, is wearing the hair short after surgery a realistic
outcome? How short can one go before the recipient area looks spartan? Thank you.

Jay O Donald

Thanks. I know. Its making me feel very stupid about myself. Went based on friends results who have great hair. So far ive tried contacting a few doctors such as dr. Keser who has turned me down. This just makes me more worried about how damaged my hair truely is.
Why did Dr Keser "turn you down"? Donor area concerns?


Valuable Member
Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

If I may, one final point. I'm trying to manage my own expectations with regard to surgery. I've been told that FUE is suitable for short hairstyles. Given that the density of transplanted hair can never equal that of native hair, is wearing the hair short after surgery a realistic
outcome? How short can one go before the recipient area looks spartan? Thank you.
You should be able to buzz your hair down to 1.5 to 2 guard easy enough, possibly 1 guard if you only have one surgery that's 3000 grafts or less.


Staff member
Has there been any improvement these past 2 months?


Has there been any improvement these past 2 months?
Personally, i think i saw my finished result around the 11th month mark. Recently, i've paid money for a new barber who's been able to layer the hair making it appear more thicker, getting rid of that sparse look at the front which i was conscious about.

Im in two minds for a second procedure. I am booked for next month (1000 grafts with michalis georgiou). Although, while im not happy with how the hairline looks under my native hair the donor area looks quite depleted/scarred which makes me might have to accept the hair as it is and avoid the procedure.



Staff member
Hopefully dr Michalis can get you to where you want to be and keep your donor pretty mush the same as it is now. Only you can decide to go ahead or not. Your new barber has done a good job.
Thanks for providing this update.


Hopefully dr Michalis can get you to where you want to be and keep your donor pretty mush the same as it is now. Only you can decide to go ahead or not. Your new barber has done a good job.
Thanks for providing this update.
Appreciate that, thank you also. I was just wondering, is there any treatment/solutions that you know off that can fade the scars,other than smp?
im on hairloss treatment but just thinking if hairloss hits again in the future i would like to have the option to buzzcut without it sticking out


How short is your hair at the back? Could you not try a slightly higher guard, maybe a 2 or 3?
The pictures are a skin fade all the way up, mainly to highlight the extent of my scars for the doctor.

I normally keep it at 1.5, i've tried growing it longer but it seems to only create/ highlight the bald overharvest line where the donor extractions stop near the top


i've tried growing it longer but it seems to only create/ highlight the bald overharvest line
I'm sorry to hear that. I know it's little consolation, but I actually think your hair looks okay. Given how short you wear it, I'm surprised the scarring isn't more visible. If you're going to keep it that length, apart from SMP, the only other option I'm aware of is some sort of concealer (fibres, etc.) I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. All the best.