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Large shockloss patches side donor area



7 Weeks ago i had a third hairtransplant, last one before this was 6 years ago. I wanted a thicken up and to patch up some areas. I am very fit healthy gym person in my 50's.
This time round has been different from the last two, i had never heard of shockloss but wow have i got it this time round. My head looked great as it always does for first 2 weeks post op then one day these large almost alopecia bold patches appeard at the sides of my head. Im talking bold, just skin. Also i sheaded on the implanted area as expect as well as some shock loss.
I am very worried about the shockloss at the sides. My clinic in istanbul have been very good, told me be patient and it will grow back.
I would like to know if anybody else had this totally bold shockloss at the sides and did it grow back ?
I am taking the topical Fanes / Mon combination twice everyday. But nothing at all tablet form.


Staff member
Could you share some before and after pictures?


These are pics before transplant



These are pics after transplant, you can just make out the sides that are severe shockloss and down to skin, top is shedding and slight shocloss.

Understanding Hair

Understanding Hair

Valued member
Hello @trevez, sorry to see you in this situation. Can you confirm what "topical Fanes / Mon combination twice everyday" are.

Shock loss is not that common, although, if you do a little online searching, there´s an obvious pattern of some clinics having a shock loss problem compared to the norm. Shock loss can occur to the transplanted and donor areas. There are a variety of reasons, for instance, the graft placement or extraction can create tissue trauma, causing the existing hair to shed prematurely. Another cause can be an adverse reaction to the medication used during the hair transplant. Commonly, shock loss is more prone to affect weaker or miniaturised hairs. It´s also more likely with bigger sessions, or aggressively performed surgery, or treating a diffuse hair loss pattern. Clinics often suggest a topical minoxidil solution, the foam version will be simpler to apply to the sides. This can often help to stimulate the hair follicles back into the growth phase. Hope you see some regrowth in the coming weeks.
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Large shockloss patches in the side donor area" refers to noticeable areas of significant hair loss on the sides of the head, specifically in the donor area where hair follicles are typically harvested for a hair transplant


thank you for replying.. My question is to anybody that has experienced this type of large patches of shock loss in the donor area ( sides ) , what is the success rate of it growing back and how long does it take ?
I am taking all the topical solutions, good with vitamins and diet. I am now at 9 week stage, it hasnt got worse, but not a lot better.
Understanding Hair

Understanding Hair

Valued member
thank you for replying.. My question is to anybody that has experienced this type of large patches of shock loss in the donor area ( sides ) , what is the success rate of it growing back and how long does it take ?
I am taking all the topical solutions, good with vitamins and diet. I am now at 9 week stage, it hasnt got worse, but not a lot better.

Hi @trevez, shock loss is hard to be precise about, it doesn´t always occur directly after the transplant and can take a few weeks to show. The hair regrowth can also be hard to judge in terms of a time frame, but can take a few months to show signs of recovery. You should document your progress and keep the clinic informed on a regular basis.

It depends on the cause of the shock loss, if the existing follicular units have been damaged or the area significantly over harvested, then while you get some growth back over the coming months it may remain looking thin. Your hair appears to be on the finer side, maybe naturally, miniaturised hair is often more effected by shock loss and can recover, but can take a few months. Good growth to you.


Hi @trevez, shock loss is hard to be precise about, it doesn´t always occur directly after the transplant and can take a few weeks to show. The hair regrowth can also be hard to judge in terms of a time frame, but can take a few months to show signs of recovery. You should document your progress and keep the clinic informed on a regular basis.

It depends on the cause of the shock loss, if the existing follicular units have been damaged or the area significantly over harvested, then while you get some growth back over the coming months it may remain looking thin. Your hair appears to be on the finer side, maybe naturally, miniaturised hair is often more effected by shock loss and can recover, but can take a few months. Good growth to you.

thank you for your reply, i understand that finer hair seems to be more prone to this type of loss than thick hair. I agree with you about fine hair. It is my third transplant, i didnt experience anything like this in the last two ( the last time was 6 years ago ). I wasnt losing hair from the sides pre surgery, i dont suffer from stress, the area wasnt over harvested either previously.

The issue could be a number of things, a reaction to different anaesthetic or possible damage when my bandaging was taken off 24 hours after the transplant. Hard to explain what made me concerned when the nurse took off the bandages, but both of those side areas felt like they where glued down. They will not have have been glued down at the end of my treatment, but it was painfully stuck at both sides where i now have loss issues. Or i could generally just be having shock loss. Or even all three combined have caused trauma.

My clinic is in contact, they are good.

More than anything i am trying to find people that have had similar issues that can tell me of their experience. I can see this forum goes out to a wide base. Out there, there will be people that have had my reaction and can say how it has repaired or not repaired.

Really appreciate your feedback though, thank you.