Understanding Hair
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An important aspect of a hair transplant is the educated distribution of the hair units. This maximises the look of hair fullness and the achieved hair coverage from the minimum number of grafts possible. The educated use of the grafts and natural hair characteristics can improve hair coverage by around 30%.
Hairs grow in bunches known as follicular units (FU), each having one to four hairs. Approximately 30% of scalp hair follicles typically have one hair, 40% have two hairs, and 30% have three to four hairs. Although this often varies with ethnic background. Some hair characteristics lend themselves better to a hair transplant, such as a curl to the hair or minimal contrast between the hair colour and skin complexion. Also the hair calibre, with a thick hair shaft covering a substantial larger area than a fine hair can.
Especially when treating more advanced hair loss patterns, the doctor's surgical skill to distribute the hair maximises the hair coverage and look of fullness. The distribution of grafts is not random, with the various group sizes placed in specific areas. For instance, when looking from either side or under intense light, if the hair's fullness is insufficient, the hair coverage will be see-through. The careful distribution of natural follicular units/grafts can conceal this deficiency, along with the skill to place the graft at a certain angle and orientation to the skin surface.
The lay of a hair shaft can also add to the surface area it covers. Hold a hair strand and it will naturally lay one way, similar to that of a blade of grass. Naturally leaning down adds to the coverage each hair has, opposed to angling up which reduces the coverage. As the goals is to block sunlight reflecting off the scalp adds to the look of fullness. Leaning down increases the cover over adjacent hairs, as a result, the hair density can be slightly reduced and maintain the look of fullness with less grafts. Not only this, but basic issues such as hair styling are made easier when the hair lays all the same direction.
The combination of factors can bring out the best result from a hair transplant, regardless if small hairline rebuilding or more advanced levels of hair loss. Using natural follicular units helps to maximise the graft distribution pattern when the FU´s are carefully distributed to create a natural blocking of light reflection. Combined with, when having good natural hair characteristics allowing for the distribution to spread without impacting on the look of fullness. This, added to the Doctor´s ability and knowledge to use the natural hair characters when "designing" the hair transplant. Graft placement, recipient sites angle, orientation and style of slit all play and important role in the best hair transplant results.
Hairs grow in bunches known as follicular units (FU), each having one to four hairs. Approximately 30% of scalp hair follicles typically have one hair, 40% have two hairs, and 30% have three to four hairs. Although this often varies with ethnic background. Some hair characteristics lend themselves better to a hair transplant, such as a curl to the hair or minimal contrast between the hair colour and skin complexion. Also the hair calibre, with a thick hair shaft covering a substantial larger area than a fine hair can.
Especially when treating more advanced hair loss patterns, the doctor's surgical skill to distribute the hair maximises the hair coverage and look of fullness. The distribution of grafts is not random, with the various group sizes placed in specific areas. For instance, when looking from either side or under intense light, if the hair's fullness is insufficient, the hair coverage will be see-through. The careful distribution of natural follicular units/grafts can conceal this deficiency, along with the skill to place the graft at a certain angle and orientation to the skin surface.
The lay of a hair shaft can also add to the surface area it covers. Hold a hair strand and it will naturally lay one way, similar to that of a blade of grass. Naturally leaning down adds to the coverage each hair has, opposed to angling up which reduces the coverage. As the goals is to block sunlight reflecting off the scalp adds to the look of fullness. Leaning down increases the cover over adjacent hairs, as a result, the hair density can be slightly reduced and maintain the look of fullness with less grafts. Not only this, but basic issues such as hair styling are made easier when the hair lays all the same direction.
The combination of factors can bring out the best result from a hair transplant, regardless if small hairline rebuilding or more advanced levels of hair loss. Using natural follicular units helps to maximise the graft distribution pattern when the FU´s are carefully distributed to create a natural blocking of light reflection. Combined with, when having good natural hair characteristics allowing for the distribution to spread without impacting on the look of fullness. This, added to the Doctor´s ability and knowledge to use the natural hair characters when "designing" the hair transplant. Graft placement, recipient sites angle, orientation and style of slit all play and important role in the best hair transplant results.