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Where to start? I feel overwhelmed...



Hey everyone,

I’ve been seriously considering getting a hair transplant for a while now, but every time I start researching clinics, I feel completely overwhelmed. It seems like every website, review platform, and even YouTube is flooded with paid reviews, fake testimonials, and marketing gimmicks.

I just want real, honest experiences from people who have actually gone through the procedure. I know no clinic is perfect, and every surgery has its risks, but it’s so hard to tell what’s real and what’s just clever marketing. Some clinics have thousands of 5-star reviews that feel way too polished, while others have mixed reviews but no way to verify if they’re legit.

For those of you who’ve had a hair transplant (or have been deep into the research phase), how did you find authentic reviews? Are there any specific forums, websites, or even social media groups where people share real, unfiltered experiences?

Also, what kind of red flags should I look out for when reading reviews?

Any advice would be massively appreciated! I feel like I’m stuck in analysis paralysis and don’t know where to start.

Thanks in advance!

Im new here

You have to use forums like these and go through all the real patient reviews

You cannot believe some of the celebrities that have been paid to endorse a clinic. It needs to be real reviews with a full documented timeline so you can see the growth


Hi mate yessss it's a nightmare regards hairloss,hair transplant industry cos u basically don't really know what result u will get after the operation has been done,whatever surgeon u go 2 even if it's the so called best one
I think u should send some pics over to this forum so we can see and point u in right direction
Sometimes going on hairloss meds,getting a good hair style and maybe using hairloss concealers ie fibres can work a treat
REMEMBER a hair transplant will not give u what u think u are gonna get
However many times u have a hair transplant
Key is to plan it all out
My advice don't get a transplant
Try all other things u will surprise yourself and as u age u don't really care about ur hairloss
U will deffo 100% care after a hair transplant cos u will always want more hair


This is from someone who's had 3 hair transplants,all I had was a receding hairline and my results are bad
Look at "phil whitehouse botched hair transplant metro"
That's me


First of all it's a good sign that you feel overwhelmed - it means you understand the importance of this decision :)

Don't feel down, we've all been there. The most important thing when selecting a clinic is researching independent patient reviews so you can see the clinic's results in the long term. If you have this, and you feel comfortable with the amount of positive reviews, I guarantee you've done more diligence than 80% of people at that point. I'll give you a list of helpful sources for your research:
  1. This forum: you seem to have discovered this yourself, good job :)
  2. Hair Restoration Network: Good forum, lots of activity. Helpful people too.
  3. Reddit: r/HairTransplants is great. Possibly the most active platform out there about hair transplants. thousands of people posting their results. r/tressless is about hair loss in general (not just transplants) but you can take a look.
  4. match-medic: free website that collates good reviews from all over the internet. it also filters out some clinics and makes recommendations.
  5. YT/Tiktok: there are some good people out there documenting their progress. It's always helpful to see progress in video format (better than just pictures imo).
  6. Facebook groups: hair loss conquerors is pretty good. I think there are a couple more but I can't recall their names, if you search for hair transplants in Facebook groups I'm sure you'll find some. take care that they should be populated by patients and not run by clinics.