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Does anyone have direct experience with Dutasteride Mesotherapy?

Blixa Haar...fell

Blixa Haar...fell

Hi all,

I'm unfortunately a person who has been hypersensitive to the best 5-AR inhibitors. I've tried microsoding oral Finasteride, as well as topical formations of Finasteride and Dutasteride. In every case, I experienced a debilitating brainfog.
Alfatradiol has been the only medication of this nature I've been able to tolerate, which is pretty weak.

With this history in mind - what are the chances I could mitigate this side effect with Dutasteride Mesotherapy? As I live in Berlin, it would be feasible to hop on a train and get treatments.

Had anyone here had experience with mesotherapy? Have there been any noticeable side effects? What were your experiences? I'd love to hear from you.