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Foods and ht healing



29 year HT veteran
I often read on the forums that a poor HT outcome could be due to poor blood flow and circulation and vitamins and protein supplements are often recommended. I don €™t think this is necessarily bad advice but I do think there is better advice.

My own experience and interest in nutrition spans about 35 years, seriously. I tend to eat the same foods day in and day out choosing from a specific list for a specific reason. To many this seems odd but it has become something I enjoy doing and gives me the ability to notice subtle changes in how I feel or perform.

In my personal opinion and from my own experience 2 of the best foods for increasing blood flow are blueberries and almonds. I think blueberries especially could help with the healing process as the body was meant to eat foods and not supplements.

If you understand how the system works food is rarely promoted as it is more or less a commodity making each vendor €™s product basically the same with the only difference being price. Supplements on the other like many processed foods can be unique as each vendor formulates their own recipe that can then be trademarked and sold only by them giving them an advantage in the market. You are then bombarded with a constant flow of marketing and over time many are conditioned to believe that the supplement is the better choice.

Here is a short article on blueberries but there is plenty more information available if anyone finds this of interest.
~ Blueberries - The World's Healthiest Food
by William Faloon, December 2005

Over the past year, a record number of independent studies have confirmed the health effects of blueberries. Scientists tested blueberries against an array of common disorders and discovered significant results.

Most impressive was the ability of blueberries to improve memory as well as undo some of the degenerative changes seen in aging neurons. One study showed that the effect of blueberries in suppressing free radical and inflammatory damage in the brain was analogous to long-term calorie restriction. These findings hint that blueberries might be able to reverse certain aspects of brain aging!

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Agricultureï ¿ ½s Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging proclaimed blueberries to be one of the worldï ¿ ½s most healthful foods. The media responded by publishing numerous reports attributing wide-ranging benefits to blueberries.

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture tested more than 100 different kinds of food for total antioxidant capacity per serving. The study included 24 types of fruits, 23 types of vegetables, 10 types of nuts, 4 types of dried fruits, and 16 types of herbs and spices. Blueberries, both wild and cultivated, scored highest in total antioxidant capacity per serving among all the fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs tested.1

Packed with unique antioxidants, blueberries neutralize free radical damage to the collagen matrix of tissues that can lead to a host of degenerative disorders. The blue-red pigments found in blueberries improve the integrity of support structures in the skin, joints, and vascular system. Blueberry pigments have been shown to enhance the effects of vitamin C, improve capillary integrity, and stabilize the collagen matrix (the structural substance of all body tissues). These pigments work primarily by preventing free radical and inflammatory damage. Recent studies, however, have identified exciting new mechanisms by which blueberries guard our precious health.

Maintaining Arterial Structure

Blueberry extracts help maintain healthy blood flow via several mechanisms including inhibition of LDL oxidation, decreased platelet aggregation, and reduced inflammation. Blueberries also help maintain healthy endothelial function by preserving nitric oxide bioavailablity.

The endothelium is a thin layer of cells that lines the inner arterial wall. Aging and poor health habits results in endothelial cells becoming dysfunctional, which leads to atherosclerosis. A study published in the August 2005 issue of the Journal of Medicinal Food shows that blueberries function via multiple mechanisms to protect against endothelial dysfunction.

The scientists who conducted this study stated that consumption of blueberries even in late life could improve endothelial function. The conclusion of these scientists was:

ï ¿ ½Whole wild blueberries may have implications in blood pressure regulation and could prove to have a therapeutic role in improving cardiovascular health.ï ¿ ½2

Improving Memory

Studies of human populations suggest that high intakes of fruits and vegetables reduce the incidence of degenerative neurological disorders.

In a study published in the journal Pharmacological Research (August 2005), blueberry extract fed to rats for 30 days resulted in improved learning on several cognitive performance tests. The researchers concluded that blueberries may be beneficial in the prevention of age-related memory deficits.3

Blueberry Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier

At the University of Barcelona-Spain, scientists have shown that blueberry is effective in reversing age-related deficits in neuronal signaling and behavioral parameters. What was unclear, however, is whether the active constituents in blueberry actually cross the blood-brain barrier.

In a study published in the April 2005 issue of Nutritional Neuro-science, these same scientists fed blueberry to rats for 8-10 weeks. Analysis of the brains of these rats indicated that blueberry phytochemicals had indeed crossed the blood-brain barrier and were found in regions of the brain responsible for memory and learning (e.g. the cerebellum, cortex, hippocampus, and striatum) of the blueberry supplemented rats, but not the controls (that did not receive blueberry extract).

These findings are the first to show that blueberry compounds cross the blood brain barrier and localize in various brain regions important for learning and memory. Most significantly, these scientists found that greater concentrations of blueberry in the brain cortex correlated with enhanced cognitive performance.4

Reversing Brain Aging

In a study published in the September 1999 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, rats supplemented with blueberry starting at the age of 6 months showed reduced age-related declines in neuronal and cognitive function. When 19-month old rats were supplemented with blueberry, the effect was a reversal of many age-related deficits. The scientists concluded the study by stating antioxidant rich foods may be beneficial in reversing the course of neuronal and behavioral aging.5

Move forward to year 2005, and scientists at Tufts University discover a specific mechanism by which blueberries are able to reverse neurological aging. When cells are exposed to toxic stress factors such as free radicals or inflammatory inducers, a protective mechanism involves the generation of heat shock proteins. Young organisms readily generate heat shock proteins to protect against free radicals and other toxic agents, but older organisms are unable to generate these protective heat shock proteins in sufficient quantity.

In a study published in the April 2005 issue of Neurobiology Aging, scientists supplemented the diets of young and old rats with blueberry. A group receiving no blueberry served as the control. After 10 weeks, the brains of these rats were subjected to an inflammatory challenge and the heat shock protein response was measured. As expected, the brains of young rats produced a strong heat shock protein response, while the old rats made very little protective heat shock protein. The old rats supplemented with blueberry, however, produced as much heat shock protein as the young rats. In this study, the blueberry diet completely restored the heat shock protein response of old rats to that of young rats. This suggests that short-term blueberry intervention may result in protection against a number of neurodegenerative processes in the brain.6

Protecting Against Brain Ischemia

When blood flow is interrupted to the brain, significant and permanent damage often results. Blueberries may significantly lessen this damage, suggests a study published in the May 2005 issue of the Journal of Experimental Neurology. In this study, rats fed diets enriched with blueberries, spinach, or spirulina suffered the loss of fewer brain cells and recovered significantly more of their ability to move following a blood flow interrupting event. The size of the area of the brains damaged in the rats receiving the blueberry, spinach, or spirulina diets was significantly less than the control group.7

Improving Auditory Processing

Scientists explored whether a 2-month dietary supplementation of blueberry extract could reverse or retard the age-related decline in temporal auditory processing speed observed in the aged rat. As reported in the August 2005 issue of Neuro-biology Aging, aged rats supplemented with blueberry responded vigorously to measurements in the primary auditory cortex of the brain compared to the control group not receiving blueberry. The improvement was so significant that the aged rats fed blueberry were very similar to younger rats. The scientists concluded:

ï ¿ ½These results suggest that age-related changes in temporal processing speed in the primary auditory cortex may be reversed by dietary supplementation of blueberry phytochemicals.ï ¿ ½8

Enhancing Survival of Neural Transplants

Transplantation of neural tissue has been explored as a potential therapy to replace dead or dying cells in the brain, such as after brain injury or neurodegenerative disease. However, survival of transplanted tissue is poor, especially when the transplant recipient is of advanced age. Even middle-aged host animals exhibit poor survival after fetal hippocampus transplants.

In a study published in the journal Cell Transplant (2005), when middle aged rats were supplemented with blueberry extract, hippocampal graft growth was significantly improved and cellular organization of grafts was comparable to that seen in tissue grafted to young host animals. This study corroborates previous studies that have demonstrated improvement of neuronal deficits in aged animals given a diet supplemented with blueberry extract.9

Inhibiting Metastasis

Cancerous cells are able to grow and invade surrounding tissue by secreting enzymes that break down the surrounding matrix that would otherwise confine them. A study published in August 2005 in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry showed that blueberry flavonoids down-regulate these structure-degrading enzymes that enables cancerous cells to spread and invade other tissues.10

Controlling Undesirable Cell Division

Healthy cell division involves regulated cell proliferation and normal programmed cell destruction (apoptosis). In a study published in the September 2005 issue of the Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, colon cancer cells that were growing and dividing abnormally were exposed to blueberry extract. The results showed that proliferation was impeded by 50% and factors necessary to induce apoptosis were activated. The scientists who conducted this study stated that blueberries may help reduce colon cancer risk.11


Blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity of all fruits and vegetables. Recent studies, however, indicate that blueberries possess multiple, diverse health benefits including maintaining and enhancing endothelial function, helping to prevent age-related memory and learning deficits, rejuvenating brain cell function, and helping to prevent cancer.

Strong scientific evidence shows that blueberries protect against the most prevalent age-related maladies. Logically, liberal blueberry consumption is a critical strategy to obtain optimal benefit and protection against age-related changes.


29 year HT veteran
Another food to consider would be eggs. I probably have written this before but many do not realize that cholesterol is needed by the body for the healing process and especially wound healing. I always include eggs in my diet, in fact I am the butt of many jokes from those around me but I take in all in stride. You see many of the people I know have been diagnosed with cancer or have had heart attacks. I on the other hand have been eating 10-12 eggs a day for at least 10-12 years. My cholesterol ratio is about 1, very low. They on the other hand eat very little cholesterol and eat diets high in processed carbs which cause a great deal of inflammation very bad for healing.

The eggs are from local farmers where I actually go to the farm and know the people and the price for all this nourishment $2.50/dz. One friend has especially good eggs and the chickens peck at all the unused animal parts that are lying around from any butchering he does along with plenty of grass. You see this is what birds do in real life. They eat bugs, worms and peck at dead animals. These eggs have a distinct deep golden color along with a distinct scent, much like grass fed beef.

This is all important to know for a very specific reason. You need to understand how various industries operate in order to understand how to make better decisions. In this case you need to understand how the food oil industry works and how they have leveraged their power over the years and conditioned the masses. Then you need to understand how the pharmaceutical and medical industry has played into that conditioning reaping their own windfall. It almost becomes like a silent agreement much like the ht industry where many feed off each other and specifically with ht I am referring to some of the corrupted forums.

It does take a tremendous amount of reading in order to lose your fear of cholesterol. That is years of conditioning and most will not be able to do it as fear based conditioning is very hard to overcome. I suggest something simple to start with would be an article by the Weston A Price organization €œThe Oiling of America €.

When I write that many who work in the HT industry are not doing the right thing I usually state that it will all come back to bite them in the ass. This is exactly what I am referring to as other industries are playing the same game but this time they will end up being a victim or a close family member. So if you think a statin drug is going to help you then you have now become a victim.

I would also suggest any research by Rasnov.
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BHR Clinic Patient Advisor
Thanks TC and I agree wholeheartedly with regard to the importance of food, diet, healing etc. I've always healed very rapidly post operation and practice what I preach with regard to these issues, and you are a prime example of this as we've met several times and i've seen your healing.


29 year HT veteran
I know the food thing can be a very touchy issue for many people and they can get very defensive about it. People have been conditioned to believe pills, powders, ointments etc are what they need to be using. They have also been slowly conditioned to eat foods that are made up of the cheapest ingredients possible with little thought for the health implications be it obesity, depression etc because that is what makes the most profit for the seller and really the seller is not concerned about you no matter how much love, fun, affection and all those other great things they associate with their product through marketing makes you believe.

No one wants to be told what they are doing is wrong or made to feel uncomfortable about what they are doing and so the normal reaction is to become defensive. A perfect example of which I have many would be a group of women that all know each other. When one woman in the group decides to make some changes and eat healthier foods in an attempt to feel and look better she gets the group €™s support. But slowly as those changes become drastic the group now feels very uncomfortable in this same woman €™s presence. The support is no longer provided and their defense mechanism is to tell that same woman she is getting too thin and looks bad, she really needs to stop. Eventually if this woman decided she cannot break away from the group she caves into this social pressure and quickly becomes like the rest of the group. I have seen this happen time and time again and I always tell the woman that asks me for dietary advice this is what is going to happen but it still does not prevent them from often failing.

The point is changing dietary habits is easy when done slowly over time but not caving into social pressure and what big business has conditioned the masses to be the norm is extremely difficult for most and many will not be strong enough to do it. No one wants to be the oddball, we all tend to want to fit in with the group.

My thinking has always been if one can realize just how much those that control the systems are screwing you over it will help you make better choices and it will be easier to overcome that social pressure as those around you appear to be under some type of mass marketing hypnosis.

When I know big food processors add ingredients to their products with the intentions of saving money or specifically for the purpose of making them addictive with little thought for my well being it makes me mad enough to not buy into it and make those changes.

And regardless of what many might think I post this type of information hoping that it helps someone and contrary to a recent post not to sound like a know it all. Responses like that with no substance are just defense mechnisms in my opinion no different then the person that tells me about the lady that smoke and drank booze her whole life and lived to be 120 while the guy that jogged died at 32.
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29 year HT veteran
Throughout history human survival has always depended on being part of the group most especially when it came to hunting for or gathering food. Going against the group would result in disaster and would most likely end in the early demise of the odd one out so eventually those genes for group thinking only became stronger. Most of this is just becomes programmed into our DNA as a survival instinct and we are not even consciously aware of it. And this is why being part of the group and what the group is doing often trumps what might be the right thing to do but is not in line with what the group is doing. So changing dietary habits to include foods that heal the body can be a very hard thing to do over the long term.

I know this sounds like a whole lot of bullshit to many but I truly believe it €™s all important. Here is a perfect example of group thinking and what I can see happening with FUE as I observe. I see more and more doctors trying to offer the procedure but they simply do not have the skill nor are they willing to put in the time and effort it takes to use a small hand punch. It becomes too much physical work and when they look at their bottom lines they don €™t like what they see. Eventually we will see more and more automated type devices where the quality and yield will not be equivalent to the hand punch but those clinics will be making plenty of money which is their main concern. Their next objective will be to convince the masses same as groups that their method is superior by gaining more control of the information due to their stronger presence in both numbers and dollars. And finally the hand punch at some point could very well be attacked as being inferior and old technology which some doctors are doing already. This is just the way things work and in the end the consumer gets shit as the tide becomes too great to swim against. I hope this doesn €™t happen but sometimes it €™s just the law of economics.

I see the above scenario happening all the time in different industries and most especially in the food industry. Advancements come as the expense of the consumer and for the profit of the industry, ultra pasteurization, irradiation, hydrogenated oil, pink slime, msg, aspartame, you name it the consumer thinks they are getting something better but it €™s quite the opposite the industry is just becoming more profitable and the one €™s doing the right thing are too often squashed.


29 year HT veteran
I am amateur on all this and as I have written trying to convince others becomes futile at some point. They have been programmed by the all these passive devices, television being one of the best although nobody would like to admit it.

I gave a speech also something in which I am an amateur and the subject was hydrogenated oil. The first question for the audience, did they know how to eat an Oreo cookie, and every hand went up. Of course they knew if you were born in the States you certainly know. You unscrew it very fast, because a kid will eat the middle of an Oreo first, and save the chocolate cookie outside for last. Aren t Oreo kids lucky, aren t Oreo mothers wonderful ¦ ¦lol ¦ ¦.

But when asked about how a hydrogenated fat is made one of the main ingredients at the time the audience fell silent. I would think knowing how a artificial fat that acts like plastic in the human body would be something important to know. But you see the food processor doesn t want you to know that part. Let s see cheap rancid oil heated to extremely high temperatures then add a metal catalyst so that it becomes hard at room temperature ¦..hmmmm ¦. I think I will pass. That they only reason for using it is that it is extremely cheap and gives their product a shelf life of forever. That would seem to take away from their message of love. The fact is that when you are eating these types of foods you are putting your body in a position where it is not going to heal very well because it s already dealing with loads of inflammation and all the Acell in the world is certainly not going to help.

Something else for those to consider who seem to be suffering from depression is to look into all the processed foods and restaurant foods you are eating. All that MSG regardless of what name it comes under can easily be playing havoc with your glutamate receptors and we are talking about only one single ingredient here. It all adds up in the end. So yes they are quick to dismiss strategies for raising serotonin naturally and eliminating all these toxins that lower it, but they really have made no attempt and would prefer to tell you that you are wrong.

Kraft foods just happened to be in the news the other day trying to explain away this picture which made me laugh. These companies spend billions because it all works and they have everyone doing the same thing, eating crap and taking medication.
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29 year HT veteran
Monsanto is expected to spend $100M plus to defeat a bill coming up to vote in California that would label food that contains genetically modified organisms and this is just one state. Why would a company spend so much money so that the consumer could have less information? Very simple because when they are informed they make better choices and that affects bottom lines. This is the way the system works regardless of the industry we are speaking about.

And so when I recently read about a patient that has a fue procedure with a robotic system and he doesn €™t seem to know very much about anything, that is the system at work.


Very interesting post..

I eat a lot of eggs as I find it suppresses hunger on a morning till lunchtime better than anything else.

I workout quite a bit since my divorce and notice that when I am on a high protein diet, chicken , tuna and whey protein (supplement) my hair grows real fast and seems to be healthier for it

Thanks for sharing this. Think I will be giving the blueberrys a go !


29 year HT veteran
Thanks Sun123, I think if there is one point that I wish I could get across it would be that information systems are controlled by those that use fear or other tactics to shape people €™s beliefs in order for them to profit. One needs to consider information outside what is considered main stream and use their own logic and not what is being fed to them 24/7

The fat from the eggs keeps blood sugar on an even keel so you don €™t have the up and down constantly hungry feeling of eating cheap processed carbs. But selling cheap processed carbs is where all the profit is at so this is what most people eat because that is what they are conditioned to do. It €™s also what makes watching TV a passive device so detrimental, it effects your choices regardless of if one is aware of it or not.

Another food to consider and this is also at the top of my own personal list is soups and stews simmered slowly using all the parts of the animal especially the bones and joints. There is a special molecule that is released when these parts are used called glycosaminoglycans. The body uses it to produce collagen in your skin, ligaments, and tendons. I €™m sure you have heard of glucosamine, well that is only one member of the whole glycosaminoglycan family, much better to actually eat the food which man has been doing for thousands of years. You will never hear this from the medical community because they can €™t make money from it.

When people realize that information that makes no one any money is suppressed they can then start to seek out that information and make better choices.


29 year HT veteran
Here is a very recent interview of Dr. Rowen. The benefits of cholesterol is something I have known for a very long time but I do remember when I started making those changes a very long time ago it was a bit scary. That fear was programmed into my brain just like everyone else. But now all these years later I am so sure that this information is correct I can easily laugh about it.

By Dr. Mercola
The idea that high cholesterol causes heart disease is based on the premise that cholesterol is found in the plaque of people with coronary artery disease. But does that automatically mean that cholesterol itself is the root cause, and must be kept at a minimum to prevent plaque formation?

The answer is no.

Missing from this hypothesis is the holistic understanding of how cholesterol operates inside your body, and why arterial plaques form in the first place.
Cholesterol is actually a critical part of your body s foundational building materials and is absolutely essential for optimal health.

As Dr. Robert Rowen points out in this interview, it s so important that your body produces it both in your liver and in your brain. Cholesterol is also the raw material for all of your steroid hormones and vitamin D. There s no doubt that you need it.

Think about this for a second. Your neurons are making it for a reason, Dr. Rowen says. Just logically speaking, if you take a statin drug, which poisons the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase... Hello? Your brain is not going to make the cholesterol that it needs, so you can expect you can predict that there s going to be a problems, years down the line, and we re seeing it now with statin drugs affecting the brain.

So what s the connection between cholesterol and heart disease?

If your body needs so much of it, what causes it to clog your arteries? The devil is in the details, as they say, and this is definitely true when it comes to cholesterol, because as Dr. Rowen explains, the cholesterol found in arterial plaque is not just any cholesterol, but oxidized, damaged cholesterol.

There is an excellent research on animals where they fed animals plenty of cholesterol in their diet and they did just fine. But when they gave them even small amounts of tainted cholesterol, meaning oxidized cholesterol, within weeks it showed up in fatty streaks in their arteries, Dr. Rowen says.

We know why now. There are receptors in the endothelial cells that are the lining of your arteries. There are receptors there for oxidized cholesterol. It picks it up, and it goes into the endothelial cells. The problem is that oxidized cholesterol does not look native to your macrophages, your immune system. It actually looks like bacteria. The macrophages move in to try and clean up what it thinks is bacteria, which is nothing more than oxidized cholesterol, and it creates a whole bunch of inflammation inside your arterial wall. The real culprit is oxidized cholesterol.

Where Does Oxidized Cholesterol Come From?

Oxidized cholesterol is introduced into your system every time you eat something cooked in vegetable oil. As soon as the oil is heated and mixes with oxygen, it goes rancid. Rancid oil is oxidized oil, and should not be consumed. This is why I constantly recommend avoiding all vegetable cooking oils, such as canola-, corn-, or soy oil, and replacing them with organic coconut oil, which remains stable and does not oxidize at higher temperatures.

I am a proponent of eating far more uncooked food and certainly, zero foods cooked in oil, Dr. Rowen says. I strongly urge [my patients] to eat more raw uncooked foods, because heat is damaging the oils, which in turn is going to damage the cholesterol and lead to vascular disease problem.

Another reason for avoiding vegetable cooking oils is that the majority of them (at least in the US) are made from genetically engineered crops; plus they re heavily processed on top of that. So not only do you have the issue of the polyunsaturated fats being oxidized, you also have these other toxic variables, such as glyphosate and Bt toxin found in genetically engineered corn and soy. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup, which is used in very large amounts on all of these crops. So there are a number of reasons for avoiding vegetable oils, but the fact that they re oxidized is clearly a high-priority one.

Why Statins Do NOT Promote Good Health

According to conventional medicine, there are two types of cholesterol:

1. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL: This is the "good" cholesterol that helps to keep cholesterol away from your arteries and remove any excess from arterial plaque, which may help to prevent heart disease.

2. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL: This "bad" cholesterol circulates in your blood and is more prone to oxidation. According to conventional thinking, it can build up in your arteries and form plaque that makes your arteries narrow and less flexible (a condition called atherosclerosis). If a clot forms in one of these narrowed arteries leading to your heart or brain, a heart attack or stroke may result.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends keeping your total cholesterol below 200 mg/dL, but what they do not tell you is that total cholesterol level is just about worthless for determining your risk for heart disease, unless it is above 330. Additionally, the AHA updated their guidelines in 2004, lowering the recommended level of LDL cholesterol from 130 to less than 100, or even less than 70 for patients at very high risk. To achieve these outrageously low targets, you typically need to take multiple cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Statin drugs are very effective for lowering your cholesterol across the board. However, as mentioned earlier, they shut down your body s innate capability to create the cholesterol it needs for proper cellular- and brain function. Statins also prevent your body from generating sufficient levels of vitamin D from exposure to the sun, because the UVB rays in sunlight interact with the cholesterol in your skin and convert it to vitamin D. As Dr. Rowen explains, while statin drugs effectively reduce cholesterol values, they typically do not have an overall beneficial impact on health and longevity.

Let s look at some of the statin studies, he says. The relative risk is reduced. Here s the problem with medical studies, and statin is a really good example: Let s say, you have 100,000 people, and four people are going to get heart disease. Then you give a statin, and now only two do. They re going to say, Oh my God! We have a 50 percent reduction in your risk for heart disease.
I took that a little bit out of proportion by using 100,000, but it s still a 50 percent relative risk but your overall risk to begin with was negligible! It s stupid science. It s literally foolish, idiotic science... The absolute risk is not changed much at all, but relative risk is changed.

... What they also don t tell you is that while you might actually save somebody from a heart attack out of those thousands of people you have to treat, there s someone on the other end who gets toxicity, or maybe Alzheimer s disease, or maybe some other condition, from taking the drug.

The overall morbidity and mortality is unchanged.
All that drug companies and the FDA are looking for is what symptom or lab level you are suppressing. They re not looking at it for long-term outcomes. That s absolute failing of the American medical system, where all that you re doing is measuring to suppress a symptom or a lab value like cholesterol, and you are not looking at what happens to these people 10 or 15 years later, which is identical to the vaccine problem.

When Might a Statin Drug Be Advisable?

Contrary to conventional advice, very few people actually need a statin drug. Familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic defect that can result in cholesterol levels above 330, and these people may indeed benefit from a statin drug.

Yes, I do think that controlling the total cholesterol would be a benefit for those people, Dr. Rowen says. They re few and far between, but they exist. But I would go with red yeast rice first, before I would [prescribe a] statin... because it has naturally-occurring Lovastatin in it Mevacor. I would rather use that because it s a whole food. There are pretty good studies out there showing that whole red yeast rice not only helps protect you from that [high cholesterol], but animals also live longer when they re on it. Being a whole food, there may be a big advantage to it.

Always whether you re using red yeast rice or a statin drug be sure to take Coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinol, because the same enzyme that makes the cholesterol also participates with CoQ10 production.

... If their total cholesterol is over 300 or 330, I would consider the use of red yeast rice or a statin. That s the only time I would consider it. Other than that, I would look for ways to reduce the potential impact of toxic cholesterol metabolism... What I try to do first with my patients is to get them to clean up their lifestyle, so that what they re doing in their life will not have toxic effects on their apparently elevated cholesterol. I m saying apparently elevated because I don t believe that God makes mistakes.

If you walk into me with a cholesterol of 240, I think that your body has that level for a reason. Maybe, just maybe, your body is crying for more vitamin D. It s asking your liver to make more cholesterol so that it can convert [vitamin D], or maybe your body wants more testosterone or another steroid hormone, so it s calling for more raw material.

I don t know how much I want to interrupt those processes with sledgehammers like statins. I would prefer to get your body not to oxidize the cholesterol by eliminating processed, refined foods. My mantra is No fast, fried, refined, or processed foods. That s first on the list. Keep your diet 70 to 80 percent raw living food, and what you do with the rest I don t care if you want to eat meat, chicken, fish, and eggs... just don t fry it. Eat all the meat you want within that 30 percent. The rest of it, try to keep it organic, not genetically engineered, unprocessed, and raw, so you re not destroying the fatty acids.

I personally believe that I have found the underlying cause of heart disease or the principal cause of heart disease in this country. That s the fact that we are heating these essential fatty acids, these unsaturated fatty acids. We re oxidizing them, and we re taking them right into our body already rancid. I think that is one of the primary causes.

Markers for Heart Disease
Dr. Rowen does not treat total cholesterol levels, and neither do I. Rather, we look at the ratios between so-called good and bad cholesterol the HDL and LDL as well as your triglycerides. These are far more potent markers for heart disease. I have seen a number of people with total cholesterol levels over 250 who actually were at low heart disease risk due to their HDL levels.
Conversely, I have seen even more who had cholesterol levels under 200 that were at a very high risk of heart disease based on the following additional tests:

¢ HDL/Cholesterol ratio: Divide your HDL level by your total cholesterol. This percentage should ideally be above 24 percent

¢ Triglyceride/HDL ratio: Divide your triglycerides by your HDL level. This percentage should be below 2
In my experience, high triglycerides specifically, and elevated cholesterol in general, is typically related to excessive consumption of grains and sugars. A high-fructose, high grain-carb diet contributes to insulin resistance, which will cause your liver to produce more cholesterol and more inflammatory LDL particles, raise your triglycerides, and increase your risk of metabolic syndrome.

Other heart disease markers Dr. Rowen recommends paying close attention to include:

¢ Ferritin levels, because iron participates in the oxidation of cholesterol
¢ Homocysteine levels, which can show potential deficiencies in crucial B vitamins
¢ Lipoprotein A (LPA), as it affects your blood coagulation
¢ 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, and
¢ Blood viscosity

On Blood Viscosity and Heart Disease
Blood viscosity refers to the thickness of your blood. The thicker your blood is, the more pressure is needed to move it throughout your body hence your blood pressure increases.

That pressure and that thickness is going to cause sheer on the endothelial cells where blood vessels bifurcate, where your artery splits into two arteries, he explains.
A blood viscosity test will tell you how thick your blood is. It s not commonly used, but there are a few labs that perform it, such as Meridian Valley Lab in Washington. If your blood viscosity is high, it s recommended that you donate blood, as this will reduce it. Donating your blood will also reduce your ferritin (iron) levels. Certain nutritional supplements may also be helpful, such as vitamin E.

You can use the already high-quality tocopherol supplements, Dr. Rowen says. I would get mixed tocopherols with alpha and gamma, and not the delta ¦ I also like tocotrienols, which might be a more active form.

As for whole foods, nuts and seeds are great sources of vitamin E, as well as essential fats, combined with natural antioxidants that protect their oils from rancidity. I personally eat about four ounces of raw organic almonds every day.

Another strategy that can help reduce blood viscosity is Earthing or grounding the act of walking barefoot on the earth. The theory is that when you walk barefoot on the earth, it allows for the transfer of free electrons from the earth into your body, via the soles of your feet. It mediates inflammation in your body by improving the zeta potential the pulse capacity of your red blood cells which also helps reduce blood viscosity.

If You're on a Statin Drug, You MUST Take CoQ10
One in four Americans over the age of 45 are currently taking a statin drug. Unfortunately, few are aware of the need to take coenzyme Q10, or the reduced form, ubiquinol, along with it, to buffer against some of the most devastating side effects of the drug. Dr. Rowen also recommends taking it if you re using red yeast rice.
The reason CoQ10 supplementation is so important is because statins blocks the CoQ10 pathway, causing it to be depleted. CoQ10 is vital for cellular energy production without it your cells simply cannot function. As your body gets more and more depleted of CoQ10, you may suffer from fatigue, muscle weakness and soreness, and eventually heart failure. Coenzyme Q10 is also very important in the process of neutralizing free radicals.
As a general guideline, if you're on a statin drug, you need to take at least 100-200 mg of ubiquinol or CoQ10 per day. If you already have symptoms of statin damage, such as muscle pain, take anywhere from 200 to 500 mg a day. There are no reported side effects of CoQ10 supplementation. The only drawback is cost. However, if you're taking ubiquinol, here's some cost-saving information for you: Certified reduced ubiquinol is only manufactured by one company in the entire world, a Japanese company called Kaneca. They own the patent. So, as long as it's certified ubiquinol, you can buy the cheapest brand you can find, because they're all the same.
Tips for Optimizing Your Cholesterol Without Drugs
Your body NEEDS cholesterol it s important in the production of cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that help you to digest fat. Cholesterol also helps your brain form memories and is vital to your neurological function.

Please don t live in fear of your raw cholesterol number, Dr. Rowen says. Unless it s around 300 or higher, I don t believe that it s going to be indicative [of heart disease risk].

The goal of the guidelines below is not to loweryour cholesterol as low as it can go, but rather to optimize your levels so they're working in the proper balance with your body. Seventy-five percent of your cholesterol is produced by your liver, which is influenced by your insulin levels. Therefore, if you optimize your insulin level, you will automatically optimize your cholesterol. This is why my primary recommendations for safely regulating your cholesterol have to do with modifying your diet and lifestyle as follows:

¢ Reduce, with the plan of eliminating, grains and sugars in your diet. It is especially important to eliminate dangerous sugars such as fructose.
¢ Consume a good portion of your food raw.
¢ Make sure you are getting plenty of high quality, animal-based omega 3 fats, such as krill oil. New research suggests that as little as 500 mg of krill per day may lower your total cholesterol and triglycerides and will likely increase your HDL cholesterol.
¢ Replace harmful vegetable oils and trans fats with healthful fats, such as olive oil and coconut oil (remember olive oil should be used cold only. Use coconut oil for cooking and baking)
¢ Include fermented foods in your daily diet. This will not only optimize your intestinal microflora, which will boost your overall immunity, it will also introduce beneficial bacteria into your mouth. Poor oral health is another indicator of increased heart disease risk.
¢ Optimize your vitamin D levels, ideally through appropriate sun exposure as this will allow your body to also create vitamin D sulfate another factor that may play a crucial role in preventing the formation of arterial plaque.
¢ Exercise regularly. Make sure you incorporate high intensity interval exercises, which also optimize your human growth hormone (HGH) production.
¢ Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol excessively.
¢ Be sure to get plenty of high-quality, restorative sleep.

Final Thoughts
The simplest thing you can do, and the most powerful, is to clean up your diet first, Dr. Rowen says. Eat more raw, uncooked, living foods organic, grown around you, ripe when in season ancient Chinese wisdom...
Get exercise. Exercise can overcome I m not going to say anything but a lot. We know that people have eaten toxic diets for years, including a lot of cooked foods. When they get exercise, it can overcome a lot of that. These are things that cost absolutely nothing for you to do. I like your concept of eating fermented foods, keeping your mouth clean. The so-called antioxidants, particularly vitamin E or the natural vitamin E s, are good. Especially if you can get it in your food, these don t cost anything.

I assure you that in most cases, if you start doing these things, you ll see that your cholesterol drops. Mine is 175. My triglycerides are 100 or less. I use triglycerides as a marker, because the higher that is, it tells me the more refined carbohydrates you re eating. The more refined carbohydrates you re eating, the more insulin you re going to have. The more insulin you have, the bigger your belly... nsulin drives all those carbohydrates into fat, which generates inflammation (which is the same inflammation that might come out of your mouth).

These are the things that you can do that don t cost a penny, and can alter your health dramatically.

About Dr. Robert Rowen
Dr. Robert Rowen is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the prestigious Johns Hopkins University. He also attended the University of California in San Francisco. He was originally board certified in both family practice and emergency medicine, as well as the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology. (After being recertified, he later allowed those certifications to lapse, as he doesn't believe they're pertinent to his current work.) Dr. Rowen has been involved in complementary or integrative medicine since 1983, and was instrumental in creating the first statutory protection for natural medicine in the United States in the state of Alaska, in 1990. He's presently the editor-in-chief of Second Opinion, which is a printed national newsletter, and he's also still seeing patients in Santa Rosa, California.


29 year HT veteran
So when I see these treatments being promoted such as Acell it is completely ass backwards. Instead of trying to treat somebody by addressing the symptom which in this case would be poor or slow healing, how about addressing the cause first. That would seem to make more sense and in the long run benefits the patient.

Too many fail to make the right connection to what is at the cause of health issues. It s much easier to promote a product. Another good example would be the Sun and skin cancer. Sun exposure for the majority has gone down but skin cancer is constantly on the rise. Once again treating with estrogenic chemicals in sunscreens would seem to be a bad idea but not for those making the money.

How about addressing all these rancid oils people are eating. Oils that can sit on shelves for years because they supposedly never go bad. Or how about the toxic soup people soak in when they are at they visit a local swimming pool. That would be addressing the cause but then no one makes any money.


I think red and white onions are very effective for our blood flow. Ginger also helps to improve circulation. Nuts and dried seeds can promote healthy circulation and reduce cholesterol.


What will happen if our body does not product enough human growth hormone? Would you recommend people consuming this HGH supplement? Or it is best to do everything possible so that our bodies start producing enough HGH of their own? Thank you.


29 year HT veteran
Just stop eating all the cheap carbs that are constantly raising your insulin levels which lower HGH levels. There is no secret pill or supplement, your body produces HGH on its own when you don €™t hinder the process.


29 year HT veteran
So a recent study compares eggs as being just as dangerous as smoking to the carotid artery. Of course this is complete bullshit but every news reporting agency will pick up on the story and report it. It will be reported so often and repeated by others so often that it will become truth. Eventually we will find out who paid for the study and why and I will be sure to post it? This is a good example of how the masses are conditioned after all the study said this was all true ¦ ¦.lol ¦ ¦..keep taking those statins.

Full disclosure I have been eating close to a dozen eggs a day for close to 20 years anyone that knows me can attest to this truth. I will go up against anyone here with a blood test or compare my physical condition and health regardless of your age and I will be 50 in a few months.

Where is the study on Powerade sponsor of the 2012 Olympics, oh I guess sugar water is healthy. Real food will always be a scapegoat as no one in their right mind would spend the money to defend it, you can t brand it thus no way to profit.
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29 year HT veteran
It turns out that this egg study was based on the recollection of stroke patients and their memory of having eaten eggs and/or smoked. Even the authors of the study acknowledged that the results to the study are very weak why was this not noted in the news release?

The study was funded by the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario which is heavily funded by Big Pharma approximately $12 million per year. The study s authors David Spence and Jean Davignon have both received honoraria and speaker s fees from several pharmaceutical companies manufacturing lipid lowering drugs and this is why statins are the number one selling drug in the world raking in billions as all the dummies take the medication for the rest of their life. Because they believe what they are being told without questioning any of it.

Once again when you control the information you control the behavior of people. When you can get people to believe in your cause as we can see happening all over the world they will follow you blindly.


Thanks TC for sharing elaborate information about your experience in HT. Food supplements are very necessary to obtain good results for HT. People here in hairtransplantcenterindiaare also getting good results after implementing recommended food supplements, mineral as well as vitamins.... It is a long time procedure to get good results of HT, patients however, must have to wait for it positively...


Valued member
jcristy wrote:
Thanks TC for sharing elaborate information about your experience in HT. Food supplements are very necessary to obtain good results for HT. People here in hairtransplantcenterindiaare also getting good results after implementing recommended food supplements, mineral as well as vitamins.... It is a long time procedure to get good results of HT, patients however, must have to wait for it positively...
::}{: Stop, this is too funny....


29 year HT veteran
Since everyone here in concerned with improving their hair many are also concerned with improving other areas including bodyfat levels, physical performance etc. Through the years I have observed certain foods had an incredible effect on my performance levels and since I tend to do many things day in and day out it is very easy to notice. One of those foods in particular was dark chocolate 90% cocoa or better, personally I eat 100% dark chocolate which does take some getting used to but well worth the benefits.

Over the years I understood many of the mechanisms by the way it worked but I did read something recently that was like an aha moment for me so I thought I would share it in this thread along with my effort to post more positive messages.

There is solid evidence that one of the flavanols in dark chocolate specifically epicatechin can block many of the effects of fructose in rats. For those of you who don t know why this is important very quickly fructose turns on an enzyme in the human body fructokinase which is almost like a fat switch causing the body to store fat. Like when an animal eats a tremendous amount of very ripe fruit at the end of the summer season to store fat with many of them getting ready for hibernation. But here is the important part. Epicatechin appears to be one of the most potent stimuli for mitochondrial biogenesis ever discovered. When it is given to aging mice, a marked increase in skeletal mitochondrial volume was observed with 40 to 50 percent increase in exercise performance. In case you don t know why the mitochondria are important they are the energy factories of the human body. So having more energy is something good especially when it comes to human performance. I would highly recommend including dark chocolate in your diet as there are other benefits outside exercise performance.