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The best time to eat fruit?

[size=Fruit is essential for women's health, not only supplements the body a variety of elements, but also beauty. But do you know if fruit should be eaten at the same time? At different times, at the right time, it will double the nutrition. In the morning, fruit is golden, noon fruit is silver, and fruit at night is copper." In fact, there is a misunderstanding in this statement, because not every kind of fruit is eaten in the morning, different fruits have the best time to eat, take a look at the most suitable day to eat fruit distribution.][/size]The most suitable morning: apples, pears, grapesEat fruit in the morning, can help digestion and absorption, there will be Li Tong, and the sweet and sour taste of fruit, people can feel refreshed all day. After a night's rest, the function of the human stomach is still active and the digestive function is not strong. Therefore, acid too strong, not too strong astringency of the fruit, such as apples, pears, grapes, etc. it is very suitable.Don't eat before meals: Cherry Tomatoes, orange, hawthorn, banana, persimmonSome fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach before meals, such as Cherry Tomatoes, orange, hawthorn, banana and so on. Cherry Tomatoes contains soluble astringent, if eaten on an empty stomach, it will combine with gastric acid, resulting in increased gastric pressure, causing pain. A large number of organic acids containing orange, fasting food is easy to have the stomach acid, uh. Hawthorn sour, fasting stomach pain.The content of potassium and magnesium in bananas is higher, and eating bananas on an empty stomach will increase the amount of magnesium in the blood and inhibit the cardiovascular function. Therefore, friends who want to lose weight with bananas must pay attention to it. They can not seek to lose weight but harm their health.Persimmon has the effect of convergence, and the formation of persimmon stone when it meets gastric acid can not be digested and can not be excreted. After a large number of empty stomach eating, nausea and vomiting can occur.


Eating fruits in the morning on an empty stomach along with a glass of water can be the best thing.
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