Hello Don!He
Hello I’m doing great thanks.
It would probably be better if you started your own thread on your concerns over your shockloss as I think you’ll get more people’s opinions reply’s.
In my experience shockloss can last up 6 months. I never had shockloss in my donor region though only the recipient site,some of my native hair never returned as it was on its way out anyway and I wasn’t taking DHT blockers like Fin.
To me it looks like your donor hair has been over harvested but I do think you need to give it more time as 2 months is way too early I would wait definitely 6 months.
Are you taking Finasteride and which clinic did you go to?
All the best Don.
Thank you for you're response.
As per the photos that I have posted you can see at the beginning & after few days of photos I don't have patch on my back of my head but this started I think after 2weeks.
And I am using minoxidil once a day. I did my hair treatment from Turkey (smile hair clinic)