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10 842 FUE Grafts over 5 Operations (3000 Dr De Reys in 2013; 1800 Dr De Reys 2014; 1200 Dr Reddy 2017; 3133 Dr Arshad 2019; 1709 with Seneca 2023)



Hi Edsarn, what a journey you've been on too!!!! You remind me a lot of my journey, but in my case I had also used both chest and beard grafts. If you want, you can take a look at my presentation ( ). I'm also thinking of putting another 1000 grafts in the side sections that have thinned out over the years and maybe a few of them at the top where, due to lighting etc, always needs more. I will probably do it with Seneca in its Athens clinic, since both of the doctors who performed my successful operations now work there.


Wow! You've managed to keep your temple points, which is great. Unfortunately, mine have gone. Great transformation though.

I have just, 10 minutes ago, paid my deposit for surgery with Dr Bonaros for surgery in early April. I will be having at least 1000 grafts transplanted to my crown. Hoping for a mixture of scalp and beard grafts. I had discussions with Seneca too, and was close to booking with them in Glasgow (and they offered me a very good price), but I really like Dr Bonaros' work and there are quite few examples of his work, whereas I could not see that many from the surgeon at Seneca. Also, I preferred the approach of Dr Bonaros for my hair transplant.


Great Edsam, I hope you will receive the result you are expecting!!! please keep us informed.


Valued member
Wow! You've managed to keep your temple points, which is great. Unfortunately, mine have gone. Great transformation though.

I have just, 10 minutes ago, paid my deposit for surgery with Dr Bonaros for surgery in early April. I will be having at least 1000 grafts transplanted to my crown. Hoping for a mixture of scalp and beard grafts. I had discussions with Seneca too, and was close to booking with them in Glasgow (and they offered me a very good price), but I really like Dr Bonaros' work and there are quite few examples of his work, whereas I could not see that many from the surgeon at Seneca. Also, I preferred the approach of Dr Bonaros for my hair transplant.
How much is Dr Bonaros charging please? He's on my shortlist. Pm me if you'd prefer


Hi @djkillab - Dr Bonaros charges £4.40 for beard grafts (and I believe £3.30 for scalp grafts), which is what I will be having - but it's best to check with him. Have you had any contact with him? I have been in touch with him for many months prior to booking surgery. He was not pushy in anyway whatsoever and always answered any questions I had (and have). He seems like a very ethical doctor and I prefer that only he will be touching my head on the day, as he does all of the extractions and all the implants himself. I feel very relaxed about my decision to go with him in early April 2023. I will update this blog.


Valued member
Hi @djkillab - Dr Bonaros charges £4.40 for beard grafts (and I believe £3.30 for scalp grafts), which is what I will be having - but it's best to check with him. Have you had any contact with him? I have been in touch with him for many months prior to booking surgery. He was not pushy in anyway whatsoever and always answered any questions I had (and have). He seems like a very ethical doctor and I prefer that only he will be touching my head on the day, as he does all of the extractions and all the implants himself. I feel very relaxed about my decision to go with him in early April 2023. I will update this blog.
Thanks @Edsarn . No I haven't had any contact with him yet. I'm about 3 months in to taking finasteride again and a month or so in to taking oral Minoxidil, so I'm waiting for a few months to see if my hairless stabilises/improves. In the mean time, I'm drawing up a shortlist of surgeons and clinics to contact when the time is right


That sounds like a very sensible approach. Always good to take your time and speak to different surgeons, and hopefully one or two of them will feel right.


OPERATION NUMBER 5 - 1709 grafts with Seneca Medical Group

I have just got home from my 5th operation with @Seneca Medical Group, where I had 1709 grafts, which yielded 3711 hairs. This takes the total number of FUE grafts to 10, 842. My donor still felt good and I was not completely happy with my crown, so wanted to add as much density as possible. The operation was performed by Dr Hala Elgmati. I have seen Dr Elgmati's work in person, as my friend had a HT with her, when she worked for DHI and I was very impressed with how neat the work was and the final result. I was due to have my surgery last week, but we realised that most of the roads in Glasgow were closed due to world road race championships, so Seneca managed to squeeze me in a week later, which I am very grateful about. It would have been a nightmare trying to get to the clinic, given all of the road closures.


The facilities and set up at Seneca are great. I had my own private room, with an adjoining door to the surgical room, which was excellent when I was getting changed, lunch breaks, and taking pictures etc. It had a sofa and tv in there. I felt very comfortable in there. As you would expect, the facilities are very clean and modern looking.


I spent a good 30 minutes with Dr Elgmati, in which examined my donor area thoroughly, and suggested what she thought the best plan of action would be. I completely agreed with Elgmati's plan to focus on areas at the left of my crown - particularly as I always brush my hair from left to right, and near to where my donor line finishes to blend in my crown and donor area better. I was delighted with this plan! The aim was to get 1500 grafts, so I was very pleased with 1709.

The extractions were completely pain free, and the best extractions to date. I remember during my second hair transplant, which was motorised that I could feel every extraction. It was manual punch, used by Dr De Reys. Afterwards, Dr Elgmati said it was a difficult extraction, because of the previous surgeries which led to scar tissue and some grafts pointing in different directions. We started the extraction at about 9.30 am and it was completed by around 2pm. Following this, we had 30 mins for lunch, and the implantation phase was finished by 4.30. All of the surgeons at Seneca use an implanter pen, which is probably a bit quicker, because no slits are made and grafts go straight in.

Finally, ALL extractions and incisions were performed by Dr Elgmati. This is similar to my previous surgeries with Dr De Reys and Dr Reddy. This was another reason I chose Seneca.

The 1709 grafts extracted contained the following:

1s = 339
2s = 853
3s = 418
4s = 83
5s = 16

To be honest, I did not expect and 4s or 5s, and very few 3s, given this was my 5th surgery.


It's probably worth mentioning my donor area too. One part towards my left nape had been over harvested some what during my surgery with Dr Arshad. To be honest, this has never bothered me, but Dr Elgmati said she was going to be very careful not to over harvest any areas.

Overall, yesterday was a very positive experience, but the proof will be in the pudding, as they say. Here are some of the pictures I took, but have asked Seneca to e-mail the pictures they took in the clinic.



These were the photos of my crown that I took earlier this year.

I should also mention that I am 44 and am currently not taking any meds. Thinking of trying topical dutasteride, but won’t start this until I am 2 months post surgery, to let my scalp heal fully.

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Valued member
Excellent write up and this was a marathon brother..hatts off to you...and i wish this be your last one and you don't need any in future..work looks good and happy to see that you had such a good experience with seneca.... Will be following your journey closely ...all the best..Happy growing and keep updating ....


These were the photos of my crown that I took earlier this year.

I should also mention that I am 44 and am currently not taking any meds. Thinking of trying topical dutasteride, but won’t start this until I am 2 months post surgery, to let my scalp heal fully.
Thanks! I think my donor will be done now, but who knows :) I don't plan on having any more surgeries, so hopefully my crown will be ok after this! To be honest, I am liking the shaved look, so might not even grow it out. Will see, and find my 'sweet spot'. Given the number of grafts taken out, I remember my donor looked pretty rubbish when I tried growing it out after my previous surgery, but once it gets to about a grade 4/5, it looked fine. Will see how I go and experiment with different lengths, to find the optimum for my recipient and donor area.



Here are some pictures of my donor area. I applied some Savlon to the donor area only, which has really helped with soreness.

I’m still spraying saline solution on the recipient area every 30 minutes and will be doing this all day today and tomorrow.



BHR Clinic Patient Advisor
Exciting times and all the best for your result..epic journey..



Looking forward to washing my head tomorrow! Feeling a little itchy, but no pain or soreness. I took paracetamol on the first and second night, but that was the only time I needed it.

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I have just washed my hair for the first time, according to the video that I was sent from Seneca. I felt a bit nervous about washing my hair, but was very careful when washing and drying. It feels nice to be able to wash my hair/head and I have been instructed to wash it twice a day for the next 7 days.

My donor feels a little sore today.




My head is healing well now. No soreness any longer, but it is a bit itchy. It feels nice to be able to wash my head and a lot of the dead skin is coming away now.



Staff member
That’s a lot f grafts you’ve had over your 5 transplants. These 1700 should make a nice difference to your density. A nice bonus getting the larger grafts. It’s good to hear you had a great experience at the clinic. I’m looking forward to following your progress and seeing more of their patients post their results.
Post-op healing looks good. Hopefully, the itching isn’t too bad.
Thanks for sharing this surgery with us.



My scalp seems to be healing very well and I think most of the scabs have now dropped off. The worst scans were in my donor.

One thing I have not written about was the graft placement. Interestingly Dr Hala was very prescriptive in requesting different size grafts throughout my hair transplant. During my previous hair transplant this was led by the techs as the surgeon only checked a couple of times. Given the experience of techs my vary significantly, this seems to be a good thing. Surely there must be protocols where techs are instructed to place certain size grafts in different areas.


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