Hi, I’ve not provided a proper update as I wanted to leave it 18 months to review the progress and work with the clinic to make a decision.
What has been positive over the past 6 months, is PRP being offered (3 sessions I’ve had) and also oral minoxidil (both have been free of charge). I do feel there has been a bit more growth since starting it, and a big difference compared to where I was at, at 7 months.
At this moment on time, I still feel there is density lacking, both on top and the hair line, and do want to proceed with a top up. The clinic have made a lot of time for visits in person and video phone calls, going through their assessment and perspective of the growth. The clinic have stated how they wish to proceed, which is doing the hairline only. Dr Arshad and Sommiya have said they would recommend not to touch the top for a few reasons:
1. Although they agree it’s not reached a matching density to other areas of my head and Is a bit more sparse, they believe it is a good enough result, compared to how the top appeared originally.
2. It could cause shock loss to the native hairs on top.
3. As I’ve been previously conscious of my donor, wanting to meet/balance my expectations as it will appear more sparse.
The clinic have offered to do the hairline complimentary, but if I want to proceed with the top, it will be charged. They have said they want to support me but also have to do what’s right for the clinic. An approximate graft count for the top and hairline would be 1500-2000 grafts. This would equate to a total of 3800-4300 for both procedures.
What we have agreed, is for me to grow my hair and then have an in person assessment to establish what can be done. I informed the clinic that I keep my hair short as when I do try and grow it, it feels thin and sparse in an area on top. Having it shorter feels thicker, but the catch 22 is I want to grow it. Dr Arshad agreed to assess it when it is longer.
Something I do want to emphasise on, is lighting. Some pictures I take, it looks thin and sparse on top, but one or two pictures/videos I’ve taken, it can look thicker. I guess this makes it difficult to know which one provides a more accurate view of how your hair looks to others, (I’ve attached a picture below of the top from different angles and lighting). Does anybody know or can recommend what is the best lighting to take pictures in? This would be really helpful to know.
So the plan is to hold off and review later. I’ll continue to take non surgical treatments for now and update following further discussions.
Any honest and objective feedback would be appreciated. Cheers,